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Lockdown Sanity

April 13, 2020

Lockdown Sanity

We are well into the COVID-19 lockdown and have had to make huge adjustments #stayhome. Some of us are having to work from home, which is good but can present new challenges. Here are some tips to keep sane while getting your work done at home

  1. If you have children in the house, make sure you establish specific times to spend with them and don’t break those appointments. These are very important years for your children. If they know they have a dedicated time slot to spend with you, they will learn to respect your time and others as well. Do something they'll enjoy like playing games, reading, etc.
  2. Take breaks often. Getting up at walking away from your workspace every now and again breaks up the monotony. Do some stretches, go out in your back yard or on your balcony if you have one. Call a friend but limit the call to 5 minutes or less.
  3. Schedule time to be creative. Working on a favourite hobby or learning a new skill (Youtube is great for this) can be such a stress reliever.
  4. Use the time to tackle tasks that were put aside. If you run your own business, now may be the time to get to the often-overlooked tasks that don’t get done.
  5. Set hours and stick to them. It’s very tempting to work through meals and late into the night because you can, but remember burnout is very real. If we are over tired mentally or physically, our immune systems become weak and that makes us more susceptible to viruses and illness.
  6. Laughter is by far the best medicine, especially for times like these. Take a moment to be silly. Who’s going to see you? Dance, make faces in the mirror, find some funny memes. Relieve some of the stress and tension.
  7. Take time for yourself as well. You can’t take care of others if you’re run down and feeling miserable. Make sure you do something that makes you feel good.

Working from home is currently the new normal and we must make the best of it. It will not break us. If you have any other ideas to add to this list put them below in the comment section. We’d love to share them. We’re all in this together and we will get through this…together.

Stay safe and stay beautiful.

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