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Stop And Count The Snowflakes

February 05, 2015

Yesterday I was out and the weather was mild. This made the driving incredibly difficult. The trip should've taken me 45 minutes. It took and 1 hour and 25 minutes. I was not impressed in the least. While I was busy grumbling and dodging puddles, my daughter, who was busily dodging the puddles with me, remarked, "it looks like Narnia". I stopped and looked up and in fact it did look like a beautiful winter wonderland. After that moment I started a different outlook. It was very pretty and I wish I had more time to just enjoy it. I will try to do more of that starting today. 

The sun is bright and I am enjoying the sounds of the Blue Jays darting all over the yard. I haven't seen them at the feeder yet, but I know they're coming. I have a family of birds that hang out in my large apple tree and would like to identify them (will post pictures when I can get good ones). They're fat and round. Partridge maybe? Or perhaps Grousse? Whatever the case, I encourage you to get out and enjoy the winter and the good things it has to offer. Until next time, have a good week and be good to others.


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