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Giving Thanks

October 08, 2014

Thanksgiving is in a few days and I am exhausted. This past month has been an emotionally charged month for me and my family, but I still have lots to be thankful for. A little background information. My mother passed away on September 4. It was not a complete surprise, but still hard. Dealing with that had it's own set of challenges, but was further complicated by two more funerals. Although I wished things did not happen the way they did, this is the reality and we deal with it, however hard it may be. So why am I thankful?

I am thankful for my wonderful family and awesome friends who have supported me through all of this. I am thankful for the little reminders to enjoy the bounty of good things in this life. I am also thankful for the things that keep me busy so that I have healthy distractions.  I could go on, but I won't bore you.

I am thankful for this life and want to live it with purpose. I wish the same for you. If you are reading this I am very thankful that I at least someone, other than myself, is reading my blog. My prayer is for all good things for you and your family.

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


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