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How To Keep Your Pearly Whites Strong

March 19, 2014

I recently had a dental visit and for the first time in a long time, I didn’t have any new cavities. Yeah!!! For me that’s big. My teeth are so soft, I get cavities just thinking about sweets. Very problematic for me because I have such a sweet tooth.  That being said, I was thrilled to not have new cavities. My gums need work though, but that’s a story for another time.

I started to go through what might have changed in my routine to see if I could pick out what has saved me from the evil drill of doom. At first I thought it may have been the oil-pulling habit I picked up (I’ll discuss that in a later post). A very good idea if you can get over the taste of oil in your mouth. That may have been it, but I’m leaning more to the newest item I carry everywhere. Xyla breath mints.

Xyla is made with Xylitol (pronounced ZHEE-li-tol).  A compound made from hard wood trees. It is safe for human consumption and has been around for a while. In fact it has been found to re-mineralize damaged tooth enamel and inhibits demineralization of healthy tooth enamel. I’m always looking for healthier and more natural alternatives to things which is why I picked up the little tin of mints in the first place.

Who can resist someone with a beautiful smile? A beautiful smile starts with healthy teeth. I am definitely adding Xylitol to my regimen. Now I sound like a commercial. I promise I am being paid to say these things, nor do I or may family receive any discounts from our dentist (I wish). 

Ask your dentist and doctor about it and try it for yourself.

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