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Pop-up des fêtes

décembre 12, 2015

Pendant deux jours seulement, nous ouvrirons nos portes pour notre pop up de vacances. Si vous êtes dans la région d'Ottawa, venez nous voir au 129, avenue Holland. Les portes ouvrent à 9h00.

16 et 17 décembre

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Nail Care 101: DIY Treatments for Fabulous Fingertips!
Nail Care 101: DIY Treatments for Fabulous Fingertips!

avril 18, 2024

We're diving into the world of at-home nail care with some super fun and easy DIY treatments that'll have your fingertips looking fierce

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Glow Up with Rose Water: Your Skin's New BFF!
Glow Up with Rose Water: Your Skin's New BFF!

avril 04, 2024

You've probably seen rose water popping up all over your Instagram feed, and let me tell you, it's not just another passing trend. This stuff has been used for centuries to pamper skin, and for good reason! 

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Leap into Youthfulness: The Fountain of Youth in Your Water Bottle
Leap into Youthfulness: The Fountain of Youth in Your Water Bottle

février 29, 2024

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